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A product is returnable within the applicable return window if you’ve received it in a condition that is physically damaged, has missing parts or accessories, is defective, or different from its description on the product detail page.

If a defect is determined within the Returns Window, a replacement of the same model will be provided. If no defect is confirmed or the issue is not diagnosed within 7 days of delivery, you will be directed to a service center to resolve any subsequent issues.

  1. Replacement will be processed only in the following conditions:
    • The product was not damaged while in the customer’s possession.
    • The product was not damaged while in transit.
    • The product is returned in its original condition along with the brand/manufacturer box, MRP tag intact, user manual, warranty card and all in-the-box accessories.
  2. Product will not be eligible for return in case of buyer’s remorse, includes change of mind or incorrect product/model/color ordered.
  3. Refund will be processed within 7 working Days once the product is received by us. The applicable refund window may vary, from 7 to 8 working days, depending on the mode of payment used at the time of purchase.
Warranty Within India

Valid for use exclusively in India

Free Shipping Across India

On all orders

100% Secure Payments

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa

Hassle-Free Installation

Step by Step documentation